Tips for Eating Holiday Meals with Braces

November 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — treehouse @ 8:13 pm

Christmas ornaments and garland The holidays are here! As you shop for the perfect gifts and enjoy the festive decorations, you’ll be surrounded by many delicious foods that will tempt your taste buds. Unfortunately, certain seasonal favorites can damage your braces. A broken wire or bracket is the last thing you want to interrupt your holiday plans. You can avoid an orthodontic emergency by following 6 tips for braces-friendly meals.

1. Choose Soft Foods

It is best to choose soft foods that require minimal chewing, like turkey, mashed potatoes, or yams. They are easy to chew and less likely to get trapped in your braces. However, limit sugars and starches because they feed cavity-causing bacteria, like stuffing or cranberry sauce.

2. Cut Chewy Meats into Small Pieces

If you can’t resist steak or other chewy meats, cut them into small pieces. This will make them easier to chew and less damaging to your braces.

3. Avoid Sticky Candy

Sticky candy is a big no-no for braces wearers. If you can’t ignore your sweet tooth, it’s best to choose chocolate, but watch out for candy with caramel or nuts. Chocolate is easier to chew and less likely to linger in your mouth.

4. Chew Slowly

No matter what you’re eating, chew slowly and carefully to avoid breaking a bracket or wire. You’ll also be less likely to bite the inside of your cheeks or lips.

5. Carry a Toothbrush

The holidays can be a busy time of the year, especially if you’re traveling. It’s no time to let your oral hygiene habits slip. Create a travel oral hygiene kit with a toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss to keep your mouth clean, even when you’re not at home. Include dental wax in case your brackets cause any irritation.

6. Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated and your mouth moist to combat harmful oral bacteria. Healthcare professionals recommend drinking at least eight 8-oz glasses of water daily.

You don’t have to miss out on your favorite foods or add unexpected delays to your treatment plan. With a few precautions, you’ll keep your treatment on track and your mouth healthy. Don’t forget to visit your orthodontist for regular adjustments.

About Dr. Aaron DeMaio

Dr. DeMaio earned his dental degree from the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine and has continued his education in orthodontics at the Tufts-New England Medical Center. He is affiliated with several professional organizations, including the American Association of Orthodontists. Request an appointment through his website.

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