Dos and Don’ts For Eating Summer Foods with Braces

June 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — treehouse @ 12:37 am

Grilled meat on barbequeIf this is your first summer with braces, you might worry about missing out on some of your seasonal favorites. Many foods can lead to a broken bracket or wire, but you can still enjoy many tasty treats and meals. Here are the dos and don’ts of enjoying summer foods while wearing braces.

Summer Foods to Skip

Summer is a great time to head outside to fire up the grill while enjoying the warmer temperatures and sunshine. Whether you’re grilling some meat, making s’mores, or staying up late to watch a movie, your orthodontist will recommend avoiding certain foods, like:

  • Corn on the Cob: Corn on the cob is a sweet treat, but it can lead to an orthodontic emergency. Biting it can cause a bracket to pop off or break a wire. Not to mention, the kernels can get stuck between your teeth, which can be very difficult to remove.
  • Corn Chips or Pretzels: Corn chips and pretzels are crunchy, which can damage your braces. They are also loaded with starches, which feed cavity-causing bacteria.
  • Tough or Chewy Meats: Resisting barbequed ribs or a juicy steak can be difficult, but watch what you put on your plate. Tough meats and those on a bone can be a recipe for disaster for your braces.
  • Raw Vegetables: Vegetables are loaded with vital nutrients, but many can damage your braces if they are raw, like carrots.
  • Popcorn: Popcorn is a big No-No because the kernels can get caught between your teeth or in your braces. Biting on a kernel can also lead to a broken tooth or wire.
  • Sticky Sweets: Sticky foods can pull your brackets off your teeth. They can also cling to your braces and teeth, increasing your risk of decay.

Summer Foods to Enjoy

Although you might have to skip a few foods while on your orthodontic journey, there are still many great summer favorites you can enjoy, like:

  • Cool Treats: Yogurt, ice cream, and pudding are tasty cool treats you can have on a hot day.
  • Soft Side Dishes: baked beans, macaroni salad, and potato salad are great side dishes if you have braces.
  • Soft Fruits: Choose soft fruit, like watermelon or cantaloupe.
  • Grilled Fish and Soft Meats: Grilled fish and other soft meats are delicious when cooked on the grill. You won’t have to skip the next barbecue to protect your braces.

Skipping a few foods for a few months is a small price to pay while improving your smile. Once your brackets come off, you won’t have to think twice about what you’re putting on your plate.

About Dr. Jing Guo

Dr. Guo earned her dental degree at the Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine and achieved her certificate in orthodontics at the University of Detroit Mercy. She is a proud member of the American Dental Association and the Massachusetts Dental Society. Request an appointment through our website to schedule a consultation.

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